The «Anceps Project» consists in the development of a software that automatizes the metrical analysis of Latin texts. Involved in this project are researchers of three universities: Prof. Jerónimo Leal, Department of Church History, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome); Prof. Ján Mačutek, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Comenius University (Bratislava); and Prof. Андрій РОВЕНЧАК (Andrij Rovenchak), Department of Theoretical Physics, Ivan Franko National University (Lviv).

The beta version of the program detects metrical clausulae and verses at an 90% accuracy. It works with a database of 64.113 words (December 2019), from which, in the first run, the software creates a big data base containing all the variable forms of these words. Then it analyzes the latin text and produces the result, the same text with the marks of long and short over the vowels, for example:

  āt pĭŭs a͞enēās|ăēnĕās pēr nōctēm plūrĭmă|plūrĭmā uōluēns
  ūt prīmūm lūx ālmā|ālmă dăt(a)‿ēst ēxīrĕ lŏcōsquĕ
  ēxplōrārĕ nŏuōs quās uēnt(o)‿āccēssĕrĭt ōrās
  quī tĕnĕānt n(am)‿īncūltā|īncūltă uĭdēt hŏmĭnēsnĕ fĕra͞enĕ
  qua͞erĕrĕ cōnstĭtŭīt sŏcĭīsqu(e)‿ēxāctā|ēxāctă rĕfērrĕ
  clāss(em)‿īn cōnuēxō nĕmŏrūm sūb rūpĕ căuātā|căuātă
  ārbŏrĭbūs cla͞usām cīrc(um)‿ātqu(e)‿hōrrēntĭbŭs ūmbrīs

We are now working in the resolution of conflicts between words with identical spelling but with different measures. If you wish to collaborate in the completion of our database, send us an email (jleal [@] didaskalikos [.] org) with the latin text you want to analyze, and we will send you the result.